Friday 1 September 2017

Fisher Bahn II : Connecting the L88

Connecting the L88

For the most part connecting the L88, the first device between the CS and the S88 feedback module
network is easy following the instruction manual.

Ref:  Digital Newsletters: Vol 27: #2,   Vol 28: #1-2

Connect the L88 to the CS at the 60174 booster slot. All S88's then connect to the L88.  THEN connect the power module. 

Do not make the same mistake I made with my dual Central Stations! 

The red wire rising from the Left CS is a temporary programming wire connection to a section of track to register locos and reprogram signals. 

Problem: I mixed the connections between the "slave" and the "master" CS units and my L88 would not properly register on the master CS. ( thought I had really scoped out the correct connections!!) 

Further the checked boxes for the slave to acquire information from the master are actually located on the slave CS under the set up panel. 

In sum: The cable connecting the two CS's: the 6 pin connection is the master; the 9 pin connection is the slave.  Once properly connected, no problem with registering the L88. onto the fascinating challenge of installing signals ( stop blocks), contact tracks for each staging lane, and programming the CS's so that when a train enters an empty staging lane, it released a train in an adjacent lane....should be fun when it all works out!!!! ;-) 

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