Friday 1 September 2017

Fisher Bahn II ....Track Plan.

Track Plan: 

Please see previous posts for priorities regarding this track plan.

Background:  This plan was a simplification of my previous layout.  The "evolution" of this plan required about 1.5 years, several "trial"  track plans, multiple iterations of each plan, lots of patience and tapping to that experience mode so not to make the same mistakes twice !

Planning emphasis focused on interesting dioramas throughout the layout, seeing multiple trains at once, lots of activity in the Bahnhof, a helix and visible staging yards.

Main level:

Green track: main level
Blue track: elevated track 4" above main level.
Bahnhof:  Rt upper  side of vertical panel
Industrial Areas: Lt side of vertical panel
Helix: Upper Rt Quad.
Yellow: Bridges or viaducts.
Monastery area Rt lower Quad,
Maroon box: sliding shelf for Central Stations.
Blue Boxes: Storage cabinet which fit under the layout and upon which transformers and boosters will be located.
White box: Work bench!  ;-)
Black box: home walls
Dark blue box RUQ : book shelves.
Salmon line: garage door and door to RV platform.

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